
Monday, August 27, 2007

And they're off!

Today both of my kids headed back to school. Part of me was happy to have some free time back to myself but another part of me was already missing them. And to be honest, there is a big part of me that is dreading the alarm clock that will be waking me and the roosters up. I've never been much of an early morning person and unfortunately, both of my girls have taken after me on that. We were all up early this morning and ready a head of time. I was really surprised that Alyssa went to school more casual. Usually she is one to want to dress up for these types of occasions. Jenna wore her new jean skirt and a top. I was able to snap a couple pics of them before they left. They were so unbelievably sweet for so early in the morning. Alyssa is just thrilled that she no longer has to ride the bus to/from school. I can't blame her for that. I remember how glad I was to get off the school bus. Jenna was a little nervous for her first day, but she did great. She has the same first grade teacher that Alyssa had. I feel much more comfortable that I know the teacher. There are a few kids from her kindergarten class in her first grade class so that helps a bunch too.

While the girls are at school, I'll be focusing on my job. That still sounds pretty strange. I'm already spending the money in my head and I haven't even earned it yet! LOL!

Hope everyone has a great week!


Amy Marie said...

Cute pictures G. Our big first grade day is tomorrow. Looks like they'll both be having a great year.

Rosemary said...

What great pics G, hope thay both had a great day. I also remember the day I didn't have to take the school bus anymore. What a relief that was!

So spending the money from the new job already eh! I am so pleased it is going well.

Amy said...

Great pics! I'm excited for mine to go back!

Unknown said...

Happy first day of school jenna & Alyssa!

Treighsie said...

I love the pictures! How sweet!

Enjoy you free time and good luck on that job!

Vern said...

I love first day of school pictures!
I haven't said congrats on the new job! That is just awesome.

Unknown said...

I hope their first week went well.

I love the Miss Piggy quote off the side.