
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Milk & is good!

Jenna had a friend stay over tonight. Some of you may recognize that cutie as Jenn's dd. It's amazing how much they have grown up. It seems like yesterday when we were going to playgroup together and then having lunch at McD's. **sigh** They had a great time playing. They swam until dark and then came in to play Barbies. It's so neat to listen to them have real 'conversations'. I had Alyssa run to the store for some chocolate chip cookies and we baked them together. Don't think I'm getting all happy homemaker on you again...I had Alyssa get the pull apart kind. Separate, bake, and eat! The girls thought this was great. So for their bedtime snack, we had milk and cookies. I forgot how good it is to dip a fresh cookie in milk. Yum, yum! Have I got anyone wanting chocolate chip cookies yet?

My hubby was Mr. MachoMan this weekend. He spent the majority of the weekend putting up sheetrock in our new room. He had to redo some of the electrical boxes too. It sure is coming a long nicely. He found a really neat tool to help make the cut outs for the wall sockets so much easier. I think he ended up with 6 sheets put up. That is a total of 12 sheets that we've put up in there. We have 4 more to put up and then we'll be ready for the next delivery of sheetrock. I'm not sure how many more we'll need. I'm guess 12 more for walls and then we'll have to do the ceiling. That'll be tough! I'll take some pics soon.

Hope everyone has a great Monday!


lam said...

oh they look some cute. Now you have given my a hunger for cookies ;O)

Rosemary said...

DH always dips his cookies in a drink, usually a warm one then they get too soggie and drop off - yuk. He likes it though.

Great pic of the 2 girls

Unknown said...

What a great photo & yes you have me hankering for a chocolate chip cookie.

Treighsie said...

I LOVE fresh baked chocolate chip cookies!
And Ashlyn and Jenna look ADORABLE!