
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Frankie Hankie Nakey

Introducing the newest member of our family...Frankie Hankie Nakey.

I thought Jenna would like a fish so while we were out shopping, we stopped at PetSmart and picked up this betta. Then we had the task of naming him. I suggested Frankie the fish. Jenna liked that named, but as I was soon informed, he had to have three names...just like us. So he soon became Frankie Hankie Nakey. Now we have three dogs and one fish. Out of all the pets we have, I do believe that Frankie is the best. He's very quiet, not very needy at all, and doesn't chew on things he's not supposed to. I think he has moved right into the number one spot.

This past weekend, Jenna and I went to a Redneck get together. We had a blast...lots of kids for Jenna to play with so that was perfect for her. They had a pond, ducks, a big ol' sand pile, and a tire swing...all the kids were very happy! We cooked out on the grill and played a Hi Tech Redneck game around the campfire...great fun. One of my friends set up his 'wireless caching mobile' in the front yard. On the trailer he has a power generator and a satellite dish. Too funny!

The landscaper is coming on Friday..yay! I'm going to get some things done around the yard that have needed to get done for some leyland cypruses to replace the ones that died, walkway around the pool deck, new corkscrew willow, cleaning out some flower beds, bringing in mulch, and cutting back bushes. I could do it myself, but I think I would pay a bigger price in back pain. Why risk it? Plus the thought of someone else doing it while I sit back and watch is sounding pretty good to me.

Until next time.....


Rosemary said...

Oh that's a pretty fish

Amy Marie said...

G, fish do make good pets don't they.. and don't forget he doesn't have to go outside...

Looks the Redneck event was a lot of fun too.

Unknown said...

The Redneck event sounds like fun. Frannkie looks right at home.

Jenn said...

what a cute fishy :)

Rosemary said...

Hope your ladnscaping is going well