
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Oh Happy Day!

Lots of good things happening over at our house. It's hard to say which is best, because they are all good.

The part finally came in for our dishwasher and now it is all fixed! My handwashing days have dwindled to an end. A big lesson learned more chopsticks in the dishwasher!

The landscaper came yesterday. What a big difference! I had let one of my beds go. It really needed to be cleaned out. He cleaned it out plus planted the hydrangea that I had in a pot. He cut back the other one. Hopefully they'll both do well over the winter.

Right around the corner on the side of my house it this bush. Not sure what it is...camelia maybe? It is always pretty in the fall.

He cleaned out my other area where my rose bush is. I got some 'dead' mums last year and planted them. They are blooming this year.

He also replaced my two dead leyland cyprus trees, cut back the lantana and butterfly bushes, and added pinestraw to the existing bed. Getting those dead trees out of the back yard is a big improvement in itself. My favorite part of the job is the walkway around the pool deck. I had started this 2 summers ago with the plan of finishing it, but never did. He finished it up yesterday for me.

This took him about a day to complete...that includes going to pick up all the materials. It probably would have taken me a weekend if not two to get it done. Sometimes it is just worth it to hire the job out. The older I get the more I am coming to realize that. It's a done deal and all I have to do it go out and enjoy it!

Jenna learned a new trick while playing outside. Maybe not a new trick but she got the courage to try this. Jenna is definitely not a daredevil so this was a big deal to her...and me too :) Swinging on the wrong side of the swing like a monkey. LOL!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Rosemary said...

Your garden looks great Glenda, you will have to take ics next year so we can soo how it goes.

Amy Marie said...

Wow that looks awesome.. love the stone work. And great picture of Jenna.

Unknown said...

That looks fantastic G!

Jenn said...

the yard looks awesome :)