
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ruff Day!

Today was a ruff day for us...well, for Cacher and myself, but mostly for Cacher. Today was his day to get fixed. I was so on the fence about doing this. Poor fella. I decided it really would be the best thing for him and for our family. So today, he went to have it done. I was a bundle of nerves until it was time to pick him up. When he walked out he was all drunk and wobbly. The assistant had to carry him to the car for me (my back is still not 100%). Once I got him inside, he laid underneath the ceiling fan for the afternoon. He must have been getting some good sleep because he didn't move for several hours. I guess the meds were helping him rest. Around supper time, he got up and walked around, and even made a trip outside. He's been getting extra special treatment from everyone. I have to admit, I have enjoyed this very calm dog who lays right by my feet, but it will be good to have the old Cacher back again.


Unknown said...

Hi G,
So pleased that Cacher went through the snip alright.

Treighsie said...

Sounds like a trooper!! Yes, calm dogs are nice... but then you miss the playful pup!