
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Hope Academy - Day 2

We have decided to give homeschool a try this year for Jenna.  Our school name is "New Hope Academy".  We are on Day 2.  Jenna and I still like each other and so far are happy...for this I am thankful.  There are so many resources available to homeschool moms out there, but I still have to wonder if we are doing it "right" or even "half way right". 

Today, we read a little bit about a girl named Gemma who moved to the United States from Australia.  We watched a cool video of Great Barrier Reef .  Then we did a neat craft with sponges, cutting them in strips making sponge balls.  That made Jenna happy!

Later we took the sponge pieces left over and did some sponge paintings too.  It was fun to experiment with the sponges.  All these great ideas came from Erica over at Confessions of a Homeschooler.  Thank you Erica!  Tomorrow, we continue our homeschool studies, focusing on US Geography and learning about the state of Connecticut.

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