
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Conversations at 1:30 in the morning

Jenna sneaks into my room and starts this conversation. Keep in mind that I am deep in sleep, and wanting to stay that way.

"Mom, can I show you something?"
"Um, yeah, what is it?"
Jenna walks away and I dose back into sleep. After a few minutes, she is back at my bedside.
"Mom, I want to show you something. What are you doing? You are supposed to come with me."
"Jenna, I am doing what most normal people do at 1:30 in the morning. I am sleeping."
"But Mom, it has LEGS!"

Needless to say, that had my attention! So up I go to Jenna's room where a nasty camel cricket had found its way onto Jenna's wall. She had woken up in the night to get a drink of water and saw it on the wall. A quick smack (to the cricket of course!) and we all returned to our peaceful sleep stages once again.

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