
Monday, January 16, 2012

Learning Place Value for some really big numbers!

I found this really neat card set online at Teacher's Notebook.  Teacher's Notebook is a cool site with a lot of freebies and some paid classroom resources.  Best of all, it is all made from teachers.  So, I printed out 2 sets of the People Place Value Cards and laminated them (I am in LOVE with my laminator!).  Today, Jenna and I reviewed place value. 

I went to the random integer generator website and printed out 10 random numbers and some decimal values for us to practice with.  By the end of my examples, Jenna was a pro!  Not only did it give her some practice on place value, it allowed her to use up some energy.  Those long numbers took a lot of back & forth!  It was great fun for both of us.  Two thumbs up for this activity!